
Grumpy Old Men's Climbing Club 2025

  • His fingernails, I see they're broken
  • His ships, they're all on fire
  • The moneylenders lovely little daughter
  • She's eaten, eaten with desire.
  • cohen

So, we made it. Breaking all my rules of past years, I stayed up past midnight to watch the London fireworks centred on the London Eye. Wow! Amazing. So here are a few of the pics I took from my television. No, I was not partying on the Embankment.

Strangely, I don't feel that bright this morning, it must have been something in the pigs-in-blankets flavoured crisps at the party last night.


While fine tuning our websites (yawn), I stumbled upon Desert Island Climbs from way back when in 2020. This seems to have slipped through the net. Check out our hopes and dreams (or nightmares) from times past on:

Click to open.

Desert Island Climbs


Outside it is cold and drizzly. Awesome Walls is cold and finger numbing. It's been like this for several days now and a certain depression is starting to set in. At night, my fevered brain torments me, at the keyboard I compose nonsense. FeverDreams.



Click to enlarge.

The good old days from Brian (Griffo) Griffiths.


  1. Mike Richardson, Clive, Al Parker, Mike White, Chris Trotter, March 63
  2. SUMC, Andy Garvey, Phine, Grochan November 63.
  3. Paul Nunn on an early ascent of Sir Plum.
  4. Brian Griffiths, Rod Brown, Motorbike 1965


  1. ACG French trip 1975
  2. Griff, Dave Price, 1962
  3. Dave Peck, Mike White, Morris Oxide 1965.

Motorbike. Rod Brown and I leaving the Alpha doss on Crookesmoor Rd en-route for Wales.

The “notorious” ACG trip to the Vercor in 1975. Team featured Jack Street, Ken Jones, Al Wright, Speedy Smith, Paul Nunn, Rod Valentine,  BG , A.N.Other (can’t remember who). Picture taken outside the Gare du Nord. The GHM (French) ream was headed up by Claude Deck (fair haired guy next to Paul). The trip featured a fracas on the night train from Calais to Paris, impromptu bivouacs, drunkenness (Brits, principally Jack and Ken, sabotaged two of the French team with liberal doses of Talisker. A sanitised version of the trip was published in Rocksport.

Dave Price – Dr Dave of “Double Declutch” (Agden) fame/notoriety when he pulled the finishing hold off and fell the length of the crag. Dave is still climbing, mostly indoors, at Awesome Walls, Stockport.

Finally, the Morris “Oxide” , our alps transportin the summer of ’65. Purchased from Mike White’s Dad for too much money. It broke down in Italy, had to pushed off the autostrada and a repair of sorts was effected with the help of an Italian garage. We with packets of Typhoo tea! It limped home on 3 cylinders and probably ended up in the scrap bay at ESC.