Lathkill Dale




Peak Walks 10. Alport, Bradford Dale, Long Dale, Gratton Dale.

  • Map: The Peak District White Peak Area 1:25000, Outdoor Leisure 24
  • Time: Allow 5 hours
  • Distance: 18km/11.3 miles
  • Ascents: 400m
  • Inset, Bradford Dale

A splendid day out, mostly away from the crowds through some classic Peak District scenery. Parking is usually possible at the village of Alport near Youlgrave, SK222646.

Walk back down the road from the parking and pass through the wide gateway on the right. Follow the well maintained track alongside the river Bradford, passing Rhienstor Rock on the way. Cross a minor road and keep by the river, first on its True Left Bank and then over and ancient footbridge to the right TRB. Walk upstream past several attractive pools with wildfowl and fish.

Keep with the river, ignoring an inscribed bridge on the right until after about 1.2km the main track swings right (leading up to Middleton). Follow this across the stream past some overgrown enclosures then turn immediately left through a well vegetated section past a sough (mine drain) and across the river by a rickety bridge. Climb a set of metal steps, turn right to a footbridge (note another inscription), cross this then follow a lightly marked track over fields through several gates and stiles to a lane at SK 202626. Cross the lane and follow the path by the river and then keep right through a beautiful wooded gorge, Rusden wood. Near the end go left through a stile on the left and cross a meadow to Weaddow Lane or continue to the lane and turn left.

Opposite is a large farm track which can be followed almost to Mount Pleasant farm at the top of th hill, about 800m, and where it bends left to the farm, cross right to a gate and a lane which soon becomes a surfaced track. Recently, a public footpath has been resurrected on the left at about 200m from Weaddow Lane. This unmarked path can be followed across fields to Mount Pleasant farm, and by turning right through impressive gates one can gain the above lane. The farm track is easier.

Follow the pleasant lane across a junction past Little Rookery Farm, through a gate and a second gate. Cross the stile and walk diagonally left across the field, pass a couple of stile, then a gap in an old wall to meet a lane. Take the gate opposite, cross the field to a minor road.

Turn left and follow the road for about 800m, cross Long Dale to an access point on the left. Follow the bridleway lane and then the pleasant grassy dale for some 3km to a junction with Gratton Dale at SK201597. Note that the central section of the dale is a concessionary path and that the bridleway cuts up left and rejoins further down the dale.

Turn left down Gratton Dale (orchids and cowslips in the spring) for about 2km to a small road, passing an ancient lime kiln near the bottom. This road marks a change from limestone to gritstone.

After a prolonged wet spell there may be a stream running down Gratton dale which, lower down can become a torrent completely filling the dale. This can provide something of a challenge. Where the path divides try keeping to the right bank of the stream and at a gate, continue wetly on this bank bearing in mind that you will have to cross back to the left bank at some point before reaching a small stone building.

At the road turn left for 100m to a footpath on the right, follow way markers up the hill rightward, at a trough pass over a boggy ravine, trend right up the field and then pass through several ancient stiles, to another small road. Turn left and where the road bends sharp right at some troughs take a footpath straight on, which skirts below a disused quarry. After the stile, keep right, the path stays high, skirts below several small outcrops of rock and heads for a col between a conifer plantation and rough grassland. After passing through a stile it continues roughly in a straight line across a large field, passing to the left of a barn, through a stile, across a broad band of trees then trending left to gain a lane at the far left corner of the next field. Take the lane downhill, through a small wood to a path to the right of Mawstone farm. This can be muddy. Follow the path and track to the road. Follow this right, down to houses in Youlgrave.

Cross the bridge, turn right and follow the stream all the back to way to Alport,

Points of interest: Bradford Dale, Gratton Dale, wild flowers, stunning views.