From Longstone Edge.



19. Litton Village, Longstone and the Monsal Trail.

  • Map: Recommended map: 25000 series Outdoor Leisure 24.
  • Time: 4 hours
  • Distance: 17km/11 miles
  • Height Gain: 420m
  • Inset, Ravensdale (Cressbrookdale) in winter and Litton Mill.

A splendid walk covering some infrequently travelled ground with stunning views. A low mud level makes this an excellent winter walk. Above, view from Longstone Edge.

Start at Litton village at SK 164752, parking near the Red Lion is normally easy. Walk up the road (E) and take the footpath on the right. Cross the wall and the field to a lane, dogleg left, cross another stile and field, trending left. Cross another stile and drop down right into Tansley Dale. Continue down, passing some old mine workings and spoil heaps of fluorspar into Cressbrook Dale, sometimes called Ravensdale. Cross the stream (active only after rain), turn right and take the path which climbs out of the valley. Near the top take the left branch which leads to a stile. Continue along a narrow lane to the B6465, cross the road and turn right.

Walk up the road for 300m, past Hall Farm to a footpath and finger post on the left. Follow the dry stone wall for some 60m past (under) an Ash tree then contour right across the field which should lead to a gate. Pass through this and the next two gates which will lead to a bend in a minor road at SK189741. Cross the road, go through the gate and follow the track parallel with the wall on the left. At a stile turn right onto a well-used track leading up the moor, pass an ancient finger post without its finger and drop down to an intersection of paths at a shallow valley.

Shortcut. Straight on provides a shortcut to Great Longstone and reduces the walk by about 2km. Follow the track gently uphill to where there are stunning views in clear weather, then steeply down to a minorl road, walk down the road to join the normal route at the lane end.

Else. At the path intersection turn right and head for the trees on the skyline, pass an ancient tumulus and continue down to a gate. Pass through the gate, turn left and after about 200m cross a stile on the left, turn right and follow a pleasant green path, past a dew pond down to a lane. Turn left onto this and follow it down, past Dale Farm to join the minor road taken by the shortcut. Turn right and at the T-junction turn left into Great Longstone where the excellent Crispin Inn welcomes dogs and muddy boots.

Turn right after the pub and follow the minor road to the disused Thornbridge station and the Monsal trail. Turn right onto the trail and after 1km enter Headstone tunnel which is 480m long and is illuminated. The trail emerges on the Monsal Viaduct which crosses the river Wye. Continue along the trail for about 1.2km to the entrance to Cressbrook Tunnel. Note, in icy conditions, those with small children or those unsteady on their feet should continue on the trail through the next two tunnels to where we rejoin it.

Pass through the gate on the right and after about 80m ascend the small track on the left. This next section of concessionary path is a delightful contour along the valley side with superb views down into Water cum Jolly. The path is easy but be aware of the steep drop-off in places which leads down over riverside crags. In dry weather, it is also possible to walk along by the river in Water cum Jolly by avoiding the left branch and continuing down and over the footbridge. The riverside path is however regularly flooded. The contour path eventually reaches some shallow mine entrances, turn right here and follow the steep path down to a stile to rejoin the Monsal Trail at thge tunnel exit.

Walk along the trail for about 400m then take a track on the right which leads, via a footbridge to Litton Mill. Turn left and follow the minor road for 300m to a car parking area and a broad track on the right leading into Tideswell Dale. Follow the easy track to the car park, and continue along the footpath almost to the road junction. Turn right and walk up the road to Litton.