Near Sheldon



24. Bakewell - Over Haddon - Sheldon - Ashford circuit.

  • Map: OS OL24 1:25000
  • Distance: 17.2km 11 miles
  • Time: Allow 5 hours walking time
  • Height Gained: 390m
  • Inset, the path below Sheldon

A varied circuit covering exposed limestone uplands and deep lush valleys. Start in Bakewell at the P&D car park at SK 220686 or at the old station P&D car park at SK222690. Map Explorer OL24, 1:25000 The Peak District White Peak Area. A compass my be found useful between Over Haqddon and Sheldon..

From either P&D car park, cross the bridge over the Wye and walk into Bakewell. At the roundabout cross the road and walk up the minor road towards Monyash and after 100m turn left into Butts Road. The road becomes a path and at the top of the hill keep left past the cemetery. Continue in the same direction along a footpath and across a field, cross a marshy area near a pond and turn right. After 100m pass through a rickety gate, trend up and left across two fields to join a minor road. Turn left and opposite Noton Barn Farm and Cattery turn right towards the village of Over Haddon. After 400m at the top of a rise take the footpath on the left which leads into the village. Pass the Lathkill Head Hotel on the right and continue up through the village, right, past a P&D car park to join the road running above. Turn left and follow the road for about 350m to a footpath on the right.

The next section requires attention to detail as some of the paths are rather faint. Follow the initial footpath to a stile then trend diagonally left to a post and break in a wall and a stile. In the next field head uphill to the top left hand corner where there is another stile, cross this and head left to another collapsed stile. Turn right along the field side and cross a stile. The route now becomes easier, pass over two more stiles then head for the left end of a line of trees. Cross a stile and head diagonally left to meet a minor road.

Cross the road, cross the stile and head diagonally left to meet further stiles and friendly waymarks on the way to the left end of a block of trees. The path eventually drops down to road, cross this and ascend the lane opposite which leads to the old Magpie Mine, which was one of the most famous lead mines in the Peak District and is the only one with a significant part of its building still standing, it was worked between 1795 and 1958 and is worth a visit. Keep the mine to your left then turn right, cross a stile and follow a well-marked footpath through Top Farm which is visible to the north and marks the edge of the village of Sheldon, walk down the road. There is a multiplicity of foot paths around the mine, use Top Farm as a guide.

Sheldon contains an excellent small pub, the Cock and Pullet where a full range of refreshments is available. With the pub on ones right, continue through the village to a lane on the left leading to the church. Take this and follow it, round a bend and along an ancient footpath. More stiles lead to the edge of a dense wood. The path descends left, steepens then joins a main path. Turn right onto the path and follow this fine route through the woods and alongside the river, passing the Magpie Mine sough (drain) on the way. After about 2.4km the path joins a minor road, turn left here and soon join the busy A6, turn right along the footpath until it is possible to cross into Ashford in the Water.

Walk through this pleasant village (pub and shop) and at a major road junction with the A6020 cross over onto the old road by the Ashford Hotel, cross the river and pass through a stile on the left leading to lush riverside meadows. Follow these, crossing a minor road on the way until one is forced onto the A6. Turn left and follow the road for about 600m to a path on the left by a speed camera, leading over a fine footbridge. Cross the bridge, turn right and follow the road until it is possible to cross onto the riverside meadows on the right. Follow the river and at twin gates take the right one which will lead you back to your starting point at the bridge.