Upper Dovedale



31. Deepdale and Upper Dovedale.

  • Map: Explorer OL24 The Peak District
  • Time: 7.0 hours
  • Distance: 22.2km/14 miles
  • Ascent:760m
  • Inset:Parkhouse hill and Chrome Hill

A superb long outing despite the partial closure of lower Deepdale, and bags the two main reef knolls in upper Dovedale, Parkhouse and Chrome hills. The descent off Parkhouse hill could be demanding in wet conditions. The walk covers some rough territory.

Start at the PAD carpark at Topley Pike SK104725. Cross the busy A6 and take the footpath at the left side of the quarry entrance. After about 500m the path is diverted up the hillside onto the meadows above. The lower part of Deepdale is closed until 2026 as extensive reclaimation and environmental work is undertaken to produce an area of lakes and woodland.

Follow the diversion signs across the upper meadows which will eventuall return you back down into Deepdale near Deepdale cave. Turn left and follow the rocky track past the cave to a stile and display board. Cross the stile and take the left branch of the valley, this is Horseshoe Dale. The path leads to to the A5270 road, cross this and enter a trackless shallow valley. Keep to the valley floor, pass through a gate and after about 1km from the last road join the A515. Part way up the valley there is a path on the right marked on the map but which seems to have returned to nature, if located this would cut out about 300m of road walking (turn left at A515). Turn right onto the A515 and after about 300m cross the road and enter a broad lane.

Follow the lane to the railway track, cross this and turn immediately right, at a copse of trees turn left and after 200m dogleg right and left to reach a broad bridleway where there are superb views of the upper Dovedale valley, Parkhouse and Chrome hills. Turn left onto this and after 700m pass through a new gate on the right, cross the meadows and drop down towards the village of Earl Sternadale. At the minor road turn left and follow this into the village where there is the famous Quiet Woman pub. Soft Words Turneth Away Wrath.

The path continues past the front of the pub between houses and eventually reaches fields dropping down to the B5053. Parkhouse hill 360m, a reef knoll is now obvious. In July and August the hillsides here are resplendant with Musk thistles in amazing numbers. Cross the road, pass through a stile and make a measured ascent up the hillside. From the summit continue in the same direction along the narrow crest negotiating some rocky sections which may be demanding in wet weather. At a narrow col above the final part of the descent a traverse to the right and down the north side of Parkhouse hill will avoid the unpleasantly eroded normal descent.

Turn right, and before the cattle grid, and turn left through a gate to begin an ascent of Chrome Hill 425m which is another reef knoll. The path briefly skirts the left side of the hill before heading up. Although Crome Hill is higher than Parkhouse the walking is easier.

Continue over Chrome hill, and at the foot of the hill turn left down a steep slope and pass through the gate on the right. Follow the easy path, cross another stile and turn immediately right up a steep hillside. At the top turn left and follow gates past Stoop Farm eventually reaching a minor road. Turn right and then dogleg left down a broad track.Opposite Greensides follow the track as it swings left, past a barn to a minor road. Turn right and then left at a prominent inset gate and follow the grassy track. Eventually (900m) the village of Harpur hill will come into view. Keep to the track which trends right to join a cycleway. At an industrial estate, take the road down to the left to join the disused raiway track. Turn right and follow this to an active train track and at a cutting take the footpath on the left which passes under the railway leads across fields to a road junction at Brierlow Bar where there is a bookshop and cafe.

Cross the A515, turn left and after a short distance take the footpath on the right into Brierlow Dale. This soon joins Back Dale and after about 1km joins Deepdale and our startout route. Turn left, pass Deepdale cave and at a Nature Reserve notice board climb steeply up to the right and reverse the approach route back to the carpark at Topley Pike.