The Chee Tor stepping stones



Peak Walks 6. Monsal Dale - Chee Dale - Blackwell - Priestcliffe circuit.

  • Recommended map: The Peak District White Peak Area 1:25000, Outdoor Leisure 24
  • Walking time: allow 5.5 hours.
  • Distance: 20km/12.5 miles
  • Ascent: 300m
  • Inset: The Stepping Stones, Chee Dale

Start Park at the PAD carpark by the Monsal Head Hotel or on the road oppositer.

A superb Peak District classic an any conditions apart from the very wettest. Escapes and variations possible.

Pass through the stile on the left of the steep road leading down into Monsal Dale, After the steps turn left to a descending path leading the the viaduct. The disused railway track has now been opened to walkers and cyclists and features illumination through its many tunnels. Taking the railway track all the way through Chee Dale would shorten the walk by at least 1.5 hours.

Turn right and follow the trail to the next tunnel entrance where there are three options. 1. Continue through the tunnels, 2, Turn right and follow the footpath over the river to Cressbrooke Mill then turn left upstream or 3. take the footpath on its right. Follow this for some 200m then take a lesser path on the left which climbs steadily onto the hillsides above Water cum Jolly - the High Level path.

The high level path contours the hillside with superb views down into Water cum Jolly. The path is generally easy but care should be taken with young children as the steep grass slopes often end with a crag. Those unsure should keep on the trail through the tunnets. At some old mine workings, drop down steeply right to join the Monsal Trail and turn right. Follow this for about 1.5km to the huge girder bridge which spans the road and river and leads to Miller's Dale station where there are toilets and sometimes refreshments. Our route does not cross the bridge but turn left up some steps then right past a display board and along a gradually descending path..

Variation 1. This shortens the walk by about 2 hours. After about 400m along the descending path take a track which climbs up steps to the left, eventually emerging at meadows. Keep in the same general direction up the meadows to a farm track, follow this to Priestcliffe where there is a seat. You have now rejoined the full circuit.

Continue past Variation 1 to emerge on the main road, cross this, take the Wormhill road for about 20m then the left branch of the footpath on the left. Walk pleasantly along the river bank and pass under a railway arch with access to the Monsal Trail. The path by the river becomes progressively roughter before one reaches a footbridge which is Variation 2.

Variation 2. Cross the footbridge and follow the path uphill to the tiny village of Blackwell where it rejoins the main circuit. This will shorten the walk by about 1.5 hours.

Continue past Wormhill springs, over a small bridge and a large resurgence, left and down some slippery limestone into Chee Dale. This is one of the most impressive gorges in the Peak district with Chee Tor and other buttresses towering above the river. The track can be muddy though there has been some attempt to improve things with wooden boardwalks. After passing The Cornice, the massively overhanging crag to ones right, the path resorts to stepping stones. These are usually easy though if submerged it means the the set further upstream will be well covered and a retreat to the Monsal Trail may be in order.

Cross a foot bridge and continue upstream under the railway bridge after which there is access to the Monsal Trail then over another footbridge to the next stepping stones. Follow the river upstream under the next bridge and continue along the river bank to group of cottages at the bottom of Great Rocks Dale. Cross the bridge, climb the steep track to the Monsal Trail, and cross to the stile on the opposite side. Follow the path up a dry valley for 200m to a path on the left, follow this as it zigzags up the hillside eventually emerging at a field. Cross the first field then after a second stile turn sharp right along the field edge. The stiles are well waymarked. At a third stile walk diagonally left to join the Pennine Bridleway. Keep left towards Blackwell village and left down the small road past Beech Close campsite. Pass though the village (Variation 2 arrives here), cross the B6049 road and continue up the road beyond. At the top of the hill it bends right and at a cross roads turn left to Priestcliffe where there is a seat. Variation 1 arrives here.

Just past the seat, take the small footpath to the right of Stopes Cottage, at the bottom turn left then right over a stile with a signpost. Follow the path across fields and down High Dale to where it joins a small road. Turn left, pass through Brushfield farm, and continue, gaining height for a further 800m, ignore a track on the right leading to Brushfield Hough farm. Keep straight on, the track eventually levels then starts to drop toward Monsal Dale. keep straight on at a path junction to emerge at the start of the viaduct. Retrace ones steps up the hillside to the Monsal Head Hotel and car parking.

Particular interest. Superb scenery, Chee Tor, Monsal Trail, dippers, herons, springs, Monsal viaduct.